Saturday, March 3, 2012

If you were touring Luray Caverns and some Christian was interrupting by saying the Earth was 6k yo...?

...what would you do?

Personally, I would've given that person a quick elbow to the temple, but I'm a forgiving person. WWJD?If you were touring Luray Caverns and some Christian was interrupting by saying the Earth was 6k yo...?
I would point and laugh at them hysterically. If my son was there I would point, laugh hysterically and then walk away as I explained to him what a fundie is.
Ask him to refund my admission from his own pocket.If you were touring Luray Caverns and some Christian was interrupting by saying the Earth was 6k yo...?
Interrupt them by saying...

"'s been a trick. The end came. You didn't get ruptured, this is the line on it's way to hell."

I would laugh and intellectually rip the statement apart.
You get mad at people when you find out you are wrong.
I'd demand proof, excluding books published before the Scientific Revolution.
I would wait until the guide turned off the lights right before the stalactpipe organ and then crosscheck them into the wall...nah, it'd hurt the cave.
They are trapped by a book....the old testament is a beautiful metaphor of the creation of our world and life. The earth and civilization can be dated back in the USA alone to 13k years ago. The old testament is based on the Mesopotanian valley and the advent of civilization there from the nomadic hunter gatherers. The dead sea scrolls were written by men with very little understanding of the planet, but they tried to explain history, in prophetic prose. Its beautiful to read, but......I say this with respect, its off by about a billion years....
I would just leave the deluded soul alone.he might become violet if you question his delusion
My first reaction would be to laugh my head off.

But Taurus' answer is so funny I think I'm going to learn it by heart just in case it ever happen so I can repeat it.
I would say Amen Brother..

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