Kick his *** to the curb! He's not a Friend,, he sounds like alil Bich Yo! And why the hell are you buying him gifts and trips? are you retarded? he's useing you fool!
well go to his birthday party and steal his presents, the ones that are small enough to pocket. and when he asks, just act dumbfounded and slowly start not hanging out w/ him cuz he sounds like a dousche. remember, lying and cheating is a step closer to succeedingShould I go to my back-stabbing bestfriend's birthday party?
It's not that big of a deal to skip on a party.
just say, I'd love to come , but my family and I have plans. It's your actual b-day, hhow can asomeone get mad about that?
if your question includes the words back stabbing, then you know the answer, personally i wouldnt
i donno , it depends on his behaviour post back satbbing.
he sounds mean dont go have a fun party and go eat italian food with some better friends
I think you've answered your own question.
I wouldn't go. If you don't feel like you're going to have a good time, then don't go. Don't make it some sort of revenge against him, but go do all the things you want to do on your birthday. It's sort of hard to share a birthday party. You guys can do separate things on your birthdays and still be friends. You may not end up being friends later in life anyways.
Have fun on your birthday. Don't worry about him.
Send him a birthday card and tell him regretfully, you will not be able to go to his party this year. Wish him well, and spend the day as you want. You are growing up and wanting to do things your way; it is appropriate for you to want to change your routine. Happy Birthday, Sweet 16! Best Wishes!
He is obviously a horrible friend and you should not talk to him any more. First, you gotta decide on this though. Do you have a birthday party already planned? If yes, and it is on a different day than your birthday, then you should go to his crappy birthday. Unless, your parents or friends have something arranged for you on your birthday. If not, then go but do not get him any present that is worth more than $3. Get him a pathetic card from the dollar store and a pathetic present from the dollar store in a pathetic bag(pink or yellow) because he is a pathetic person. Think of all the cheap presents you got on your birthday from your "friends." Even this stupid guy, he didn't even get you ANYTHING for your bday last year. Also, if you have not handed out your invitations for your birthday (if you are having a big one) do NOT invite him, especially after all the crap he has put you through. He didn't even invite you to his vacation, when you did. If you do go, make sure that you will have a real friend there that will stay with you so he/she can go on rides with you. If you won't have anyone, then bring someone and then you will have fun. Have fun and do not pay attention to all his $20 giftcards and nice gifts. He will be so pist off when he opens his $1 gift from you. LOL! P.S. look at it this way, you get to go to an amusepark for free on your bday, and possibly with one of your other REAL friends. Let him go 4ever, he is a bad buzz and makes me mad too!
Tell him you have your own plans for your big 1-6. If he's a friend, he should understand that you want to have your own party.
Friends don't necessarily give to their friends just to receive things from each other. You do it because you're his friend, not so he'll give you something back later. You can tell him how you feel about both those situations, though. He may have a valid reason like his parents made him take his friend, or that year he didn't have the resources?
If he's upset that you don't want to go to his party, you'll find more friends in college. College is where the life-long friends are made. No need to end on a really sour note though. Still wish him a happy birthday.
you should stop being frieds with them.
a new years coming.
id make new friends(:
well id say to go i mean he is your friend....maybe he likes you...and doesnt want everybody to know and he thinks that if he takes you then peopl will think that he does....hes a guy and an unknown to us so youll never know until you ask him whats up.....and dont be mad.... just maybe delay your bday so you can both have fun parties
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